Murexia habbema
(Tate & Archbold, 1941)
Habbema Dasyure
Subclass | : Theria |
Infraclass | : Marsupialia |
Superorder | : Australidelphia |
Order | : Dasyuromorphia |
Family | : Dasyuridae |
Subfamily | : Phascogalinae |
Genus | : Murexia |
Species status
Authority citation
Tate, G.H.H. and Archbold, R. 1941-01-30. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 31. New rodents and marsupials from New Guinea. American Museum Novitates 1101:1-9.
Authority publication link name as described
Antechinus habbema
Other common names
Habbema Antechinus
Type material
AMNH M-109812
Type kind
Type locality
9 km N of Lake Habbema, North Slope of Mt. Wilhelmina, 2800 m, Prov. of Papua (= Irian Jaya), Indonesia.
Biogeographic realm
Country distribution
Indonesia · Papua New Guinea
Taxonomy notes
moved from Micromurexia to Murexia; likely represents multiple species
Taxonomy notes citation
Krajewski, C., Torunsky, R., Sipiorski, J. T., & Westerman, M. (2007). Phylogenetic relationships of the dasyurid marsupial genus Murexia. Journal of Mammalogy, 88(3), 696-705. · Woolley, P. A., Krajewski, C., & Westerman, M. (2020). The endemic New Guinean genus Murexia (Dasyuromorphia: Dasyuridae). How many species? An analysis based on morphological, distributional and molecular data. Australian Journal of Zoology, 67(3), 134-144. · Baker, A., Eldridge, M., Fisher, D. O., Frankham, G., Helgen, K. M., Jackson, S. M., ... & Umbrello, L. (2023). Taxonomy and diversity of living Australasian marsupials. American and Australasian Marsupials: an evolutionary, biogeographical, and ecological approach, 1-85.
IUCN Red List status
Least Concern
Species Permalink distribution map
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Names and synonyms
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