Gymnobelideus leadbeateri

McCoy, 1867

Leadbeater's Possum


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Marsupialia
Superorder : Australidelphia
Order : Diprotodontia
Suborder : Macropodiformes
Superfamily : Petauroidea
Family : Petauridae
Subfamily : Dactylopsilinae
Genus : Gymnobelideus

Species status

Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005

Authority citation

McCoy, F. 1867-10-01. On a new genus of Phalanger. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (3)20(118):287-288.

Original name as described

Gymnobelideus Leadbeateri

Other common names

Fairy Possum

Type material

NMV C4380

Type kind


Type locality

Bass River, Victoria, Australia.

Biogeographic realm


Country distribution


Taxonomy notes

the recently described subspecies martinekae is considered a synonym here; it was named by R. T. Hoser, who's names are currently under scrutiny and should be tested by further studies before use

Taxonomy notes citation

Hoser, R. T. (2018). A new subspecies of the endangered Leadbeater's Possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy, 1867 from the Victorian High Country, with comments about the long-term conservation of the species in view of the recent genocide of the species caused by the Victorian Government, their wildlife and forestry departments and their controlled business enterprises. Australasian Journal of Herpetology, 37, 3-10.

IUCN Red List status

Critically Endangered

Country distribution map

The map below provides a general overview. Most species inhabit only specific regions within countries. Hover over the highlighted regions to see the country name.

Names and synonyms

Present and past (if available) associated names to the species. Click on a name to view its details. If the list is long, scroll down to see more.

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