Dasypus pilosus

(Fitzinger, 1856)

Hairy Long-nosed Armadillo


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Atlantogenata
Superorder : Xenarthra
Order : Cingulata
Family : Dasypodidae
Genus : Dasypus
Subgenus : Dasypus

Species status

Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005

Authority citation

Versamml. Deutsch. Nat. Arzte, Wien, Tageblatt, 32, 123 . Versamml. Deutscher Naturfors. Arzte, Wien, Tageblatt 32:123.] . Versamml. Deutscher Naturfors. Arzte, Wien, Tageblatt 32:123.]

Original name as described

Cryptophractus pilosus

Other common names

Woolly Armadillo

Type material

NMW 222

Type kind


Type locality

"Peru." Restricted by R. M. Wetzel and E. Mondolfi in 1979 to montane Peru.

Biogeographic realm


Country distribution


Taxonomy notes

has been considered under a separate, monotypic genus (Cryptophractus), although molecular data supports its placement within Dasypus

Taxonomy notes citation

Castro MC, Ciancio MR, Pacheco V, Salas-Gismondi RM, Bostelmann JE, Carlini AA. 2015. Reassessment of the hairy long-nosed armadillo ‘Dasypus' pilosus (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) and revalidation of the genus Cryptophractus Fitzinger, 1856. Zootaxa 3947: 30–48. · Feijo, A., Patterson, B. D., & Cordeiro-Estrela, P. (2018). Taxonomic revision of the long-nosed armadillos, Genus Dasypus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia, Cingulata). PloS one, 13(4), e0195084. · Feijó, A., Vilela, J. F., Cheng, J., Schetino, M. A. A., Coimbra, R. T., Bonvicino, C. R., ... & Cordeiro-Estrela, P. (2019). Phylogeny and molecular species delimitation of long-nosed armadillos (Dasypus: Cingulata) supports morphology-based taxonomy. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 186(3), 813-825.

IUCN Red List status

Not Evaluated

Country distribution map

The map below provides a general overview. Most species inhabit only specific regions within countries. Hover over the highlighted regions to see the country name.

Names and synonyms

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