Chiropotes chiropotes

(von Humboldt in von Humboldt & Bonpland, 1811)

Rio Negro Bearded Saki


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Boreoeutheria
Superorder : Euarchontoglires
Order : Primates
Suborder : Haplorhini
Infraorder : Simiiformes
Parvorder : Platyrrhini
Family : Pitheciidae
Subfamily : Pitheciinae
Genus : Chiropotes

Species status

Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005

Authority citation

Humboldt, A. von and Bonpland, A. 1811. Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparée, faites dans l'Océan atlantique, dans l'intérieur du nouveau continent et dans la mer du sud pendant les années 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803. Premier volume. F. Schoell, Paris, 368 pp.

Original name as described

Simia chiropotes

Other common names

Bearded Saki · Red-backed Saki · Tawny-olive Bearded Saki

Type material

lost (number not known)

Type kind


Type locality

Upper Rio Orinoco south of the cataracts, Amazonas, Venezuela.

Biogeographic realm


Country distribution

Venezuela · Brazil

Taxonomy notes

previously included C. sagulatus and includes israelita, although the nomenclature of these taxa are not well resolved

Taxonomy notes citation

Silva Jr., J. S. and Figueiredo, W. M. B. (2002). Revisão sistemática dos cuxiús, gênero Chiropotes Lesson, 1840 (Primates Pithecidae). Livro de Resumos do XO. Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Primatologia, Amazônia – A Última Fronteira: 21. Belém, Brazil. · Silva-Jr, J. S., Figueiredo-Ready W. M. B., & Ferrari S. F. 2013. Taxonomy and geographic distribution of the Pitheciidae. In: Veiga LM, Barnett AA, Ferrari S & Norconk MA (ed.), Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris, pp. 31-42. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. · Carneiro, J., Sampaio, I., Silva-Júnior, J. D. S. E., Martins-Junior, A., Farias, I., Hrbek, T., ... & Schneider, H. (2023). Molecular Evidence Supports Five Lineages within Chiropotes (Pitheciidae, Platyrrhini). Genes, 14(7), 1309.

IUCN Red List status

Least Concern

Country distribution map

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Names and synonyms

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