Nycticebus coucang

(P. Boddaert, 1785)

Malaysian Slow Loris


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Boreoeutheria
Superorder : Euarchontoglires
Order : Primates
Suborder : Strepsirrhini
Infraorder : Lorisiformes
Family : Lorisidae
Subfamily : Lorisinae
Genus : Nycticebus

Species status

Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005

Authority citation

Boddaert, P. 1785. Elenchus Animalium. Volumen I. Sistens quadrupedia huc usque nota, eorumque varietates. C.R. Hake, Rotterdam, 174 pp.

Original name as described

Tardigradus Coucang

Other common names

Greater Slow Loris · Sunda Slow Loris

Type locality

Malaysia, Malacca.

Biogeographic realm


Country distribution

Thailand · Malaysia · Singapore · Indonesia

Taxonomy notes

previously included N. hilleri, N. javanicus, N. menagensis, N. bancanus, and N. borneanus

Taxonomy notes citation

Nekaris, K. A. I., & Jaffe, S. (2007). Unexpected diversity of slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) within the Javan pet trade: implications for slow loris taxonomy. Contributions to Zoology, 76(3), 187-196. · Munds, R.A., Nekaris, K.A.I., Ford, S.M. 2013. Taxonomy of the Bornean slow loris, with species Nycticebus kayak (Primates, Lorisidae). American Journal of Primatology 75(1):46-56. · Nekaris, K.A.I. & Poindexter, S. 2020. Nycticebus hilleri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T163019804A163020000. Downloaded on 11 August 2020. · Blair, M. E., Cao, G. T., López-Nandam, E. H., Veronese-Paniagua, D. A., Birchette, M. G., Kenyon, M., ... & Le, M. D. (2023). Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships and Unveiling Novel Genetic Diversity among Slow and Pygmy Lorises, including Resurrection of Xanthonycticebus intermedius. Genes, 14(3), 643.

IUCN Red List status


Country distribution map

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Names and synonyms

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