Ochotona opaca

Argyropulo, 1939

Kazakh Pika


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Boreoeutheria
Superorder : Euarchontoglires
Order : Lagomorpha
Family : Ochotonidae
Genus : Ochotona
Subgenus : Pika

Species status

Found in the wild

Authority citation

Argyropulo, A.I. 1939. Новая форма гобийской пищухи из Казахстана. Известия казахстанского филиала Академии Наук СССР (Серия зоологическая)1(1):31-33.

Original name as described

Ochotona pricei opaca

Type material

ZIN S. 19987

Type kind


Type locality

"из б. Кедейской волости (аул № 2) б. Каркаралинского уезда" (= from former Kedeyskaya volost (aul 2) of former Karkaralinsk uyezd), Karkaraly District, Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan.

Biogeographic realm


Country distribution


Taxonomy notes

split from O. pallasii

Taxonomy notes citation

Lissovsky, A.A., Yatsentyuk, S.P., Ge, D. 2016. Phylogeny and taxonomic reassessment of pikas Ochotona pallasii and O. argentata (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). Zootaxa 45(6): 583-594.

IUCN Red List status

Least Concern

Country distribution map

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Names and synonyms

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