Sundasciurus tenuis

(Horsfield, 1824)

Slender Squirrel


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Boreoeutheria
Superorder : Euarchontoglires
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciuromorpha
Family : Sciuridae
Subfamily : Callosciurinae
Tribe : Callosciurini
Genus : Sundasciurus

Species status

Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005

Authority citation

Horsfield, T. 1824-01. No. VII. _Sciurus Plantani_. _Lutra leptonyx_. _Semnopithecus Pyrrhus_. _Rhinolophus nobilis_. _Brachypterix montana_. _Ardea speciosa_. _Muscicapa Banyumas_. _M. hirundinacea_. _Cuculus lugubris_. in Horsfield, T. 1824. Zoological Researches in Java, and the Neighbouring Islands. Kingsbury, Parbury, & Allen, London, not continuously paginated pp.

Original name as described

Sciurus tenuis

Type locality


Biogeographic realm


Country distribution

Thailand · Malaysia · Singapore · Indonesia · Brunei

Taxonomy notes

previously included S. altitudinis and S. tahan

Taxonomy notes citation

den Tex, R.-J., Thorington, R., Maldonado, J.E., Leondard, J.A. 2010. Speciation dynamics in the SE Asian tropics: Putting a time perspective on the phylogeny and biogeography of Sundaland tree squirrels, Sundasciurus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 711-720.

IUCN Red List status

Least Concern

Country distribution map

The map below provides a general overview. Most species inhabit only specific regions within countries. Hover over the highlighted regions to see the country name.

Names and synonyms

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