Callospermophilus lateralis
(Say in James, 1823)
Common Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
Subclass | : Theria |
Infraclass | : Placentalia |
Magnorder | : Boreoeutheria |
Superorder | : Euarchontoglires |
Order | : Rodentia |
Suborder | : Sciuromorpha |
Family | : Sciuridae |
Subfamily | : Xerinae |
Tribe | : Marmotini |
Genus | : Callospermophilus |
Species status
Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005
Authority citation
James, E. 1823. Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1819 and '20, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Sec'y of War: under the Command of Major Stephen H. Long. Vol. II. H. C. Carey and I. Lea, Philadelphia, 442 pp.
Authority publication link name as described
Sciurus lateralis
Other common names
Green River Basin Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
Type locality
"near Cañon City." Restricted by C. H. Merriam in 1905 to Arkansas River, c.42 km below Canyon City, Fremont Co., Colorado, USA.
Biogeographic realm
Country distribution
Canada · United States
Subregion distribution
Taxonomy notes
moved to Callospermophilus from Spermophilus
Taxonomy notes citation
Helgen, K. M., Cole, F. R., Helgen, L. E., & Wilson, D. E. (2009). Generic Revision in the Holarctic Ground Squirrel Genus Spermophilus. Journal of Mammalogy, 90(2), 270-305. Red List status
Least Concern
Species Permalink distribution map
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Names and synonyms
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