Spermophilus brevicauda
J. F. von Brandt, 1843
Brandt's Ground Squirrel
Subclass | : Theria |
Infraclass | : Placentalia |
Magnorder | : Boreoeutheria |
Superorder | : Euarchontoglires |
Order | : Rodentia |
Suborder | : Sciuromorpha |
Family | : Sciuridae |
Subfamily | : Xerinae |
Tribe | : Marmotini |
Genus | : Spermophilus |
Species status
Authority citation
Brandt, J.F. von. 1843-04-24. Note sur une nouvelle espèce de Souslik (_Spermophilus brevicauda_). Bulletin de la Classe physico-mathématique de l'Académie impériale des sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg 1(23):364.
Authority publication link
https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/45977944Original name as described
Spermophilus brevicauda
Type locality
"Habitat, ut videtur, in provinciis Altaicis australioribus versus lacum Balchasch."
Biogeographic realm
Country distribution
Kazakhstan · Kyrgyzstan · Mongolia · China
Taxonomy notes
previously included S. selevini
Taxonomy notes citation
Simonov, E., Lopatina, N. V., Titov, S. V., Ivanova, A. D., Brandler, O. V., Surin, V. L., ... & Ermakov, O. A. (2024). Traditional multilocus phylogeny fails to fully resolve Palearctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus) relationships but reveals a new species endemic to West Siberia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 108057.
IUCN Red List status
Least Concern
Species Permalink
https://www.mammaldiversity.org/taxon/1001771Country distribution map
The map below provides a general overview. Most species inhabit only specific regions within countries. Hover over the highlighted regions to see the country name.
Names and synonyms
Present and past (if available) associated names to the species. Click on a name to view its details. If the list is long, scroll down to see more.
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