Rattus lutreola
(J. E. Gray, 1841)
Australian Swamp Rat
Subclass | : Theria |
Infraclass | : Placentalia |
Magnorder | : Boreoeutheria |
Superorder | : Euarchontoglires |
Order | : Rodentia |
Suborder | : Supramyomorpha |
Infraorder | : Myomorphi |
Superfamily | : Muroidea |
Family | : Muridae |
Subfamily | : Murinae |
Tribe | : Rattini |
Genus | : Rattus |
Species status
Authority citation
Gray, J.E. 1841-10-30. Contributions towards the Geographical distribution of the Mammalia of Australia, with notes on some recently discovered species. Pp. 397–414 in Grey, G. (eds.). Journals of two expeditions of discovery in north-west and western Australia, during the years 1837, 38, and 39, under the authority of her Majesty's government. Vol. II. T. and W. Boone, London, 482 pp.
Authority publication link
https://books.google.com/books?id=C1vRAAAAMAAJOriginal name as described
Mus lutreola
Other common names
Swamp Rat · Velvet-furred Rat
Type material
Type kind
Type locality
Moscheto Island, Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia.
Biogeographic realm
Country distribution
Taxonomy notes
since lutreola is a noun in apposition, it retains its spelling instead of getting a -us at the end
Taxonomy notes citation
Wilson D.E., Lacher T.E., Mittermeier R.A. 2017. Handbook of the mammals of the world. Vol. 7. Rodents II. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
IUCN Red List status
Not Evaluated
Species Permalink
https://www.mammaldiversity.org/taxon/1003637Country distribution map
The map below provides a general overview. Most species inhabit only specific regions within countries. Hover over the highlighted regions to see the country name.
Names and synonyms
Present and past (if available) associated names to the species. Click on a name to view its details. If the list is long, scroll down to see more.
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