Mops sarasinorum

(A. B. Meyer, 1899)

Sulawesian Free-tailed Bat


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Boreoeutheria
Superorder : Laurasiatheria
Order : Chiroptera
Suborder : Vespertilioniformes
Superfamily : Vespertilionoidea
Family : Molossidae
Subfamily : Molossinae
Genus : Mops
Subgenus : Mops

Species status

Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005

Authority citation

Meyer, A.B. 1899. Säugethiere vom Celébes- und Philippinen-Archipel. II. Celébes-Sammlungen der Herren Sarasin. Abhandlungen und Berichte des königlichen zoologischen und anthropologisch-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 7(7):1-55.

Original name as described

Nyctinomus sarasinorum

Other common names

Sulawesi Free-tailed Bat

Type kind


Type locality

"Batulappa, nördlich vom See von Tempe [= north of Lake Tempe], SW Central Celébes [= Sulawesi]," Indonesia.

Biogeographic realm

Indomalaya · Australasia

Country distribution

Philippines · Indonesia

IUCN Red List status

Not Evaluated

Country distribution map

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Names and synonyms

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