Ozimops loriae
(O. Thomas, 1897)
Loria's Free-tailed Bat
Subclass | : Theria |
Infraclass | : Placentalia |
Magnorder | : Boreoeutheria |
Superorder | : Laurasiatheria |
Order | : Chiroptera |
Suborder | : Vespertilioniformes |
Superfamily | : Vespertilionoidea |
Family | : Molossidae |
Subfamily | : Molossinae |
Genus | : Ozimops |
Species status
Authority citation
Thomas, O. 1897-12-14. Viaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. XIX. On the mammals obtained in British New Guinea by Dr. Lamberto Loria. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova 38:606-622.
Authority publication link
https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/7785831Original name as described
Nyctinomus loriae
Other common names
Loria's Mastiff Bat · Little Northern Mastiff Bat
Type material
BMNH:Mamm:1897.8.7.30, MSNG (no number given)
Type kind
Type specimen URI
https://data.nhm.ac.uk/object/1d983b8a-54b1-4478-9be5-271c04bc93eaType locality
"Kamali," close to the mouth of the Kemp Welch River, Papua New Guinea.
Biogeographic realm
Country distribution
Papua New Guinea
Taxonomy notes
previously included O. cobourgianus and ridei; moved from Mormopterus to Ozimops
Taxonomy notes citation
Reardon, T. B., McKenzie, N. L., Cooper, S. J. B., Appleton, B., Carthew, S., & Adams, M. (2014). A molecular and morphological investigation of species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships in Australian free-tailed bats Mormopterus (Chiroptera: Molossidae). Australian journal of zoology, 62(2), 109-136. · Jackson, S. M., & Groves, C. (2015). Taxonomy of Australian mammals. CSIRO Publishing, Austalia, Clayton.
IUCN Red List status
Not Evaluated
Species Permalink
https://www.mammaldiversity.org/taxon/1005250Country distribution map
The map below provides a general overview. Most species inhabit only specific regions within countries. Hover over the highlighted regions to see the country name.
Names and synonyms
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