Nyctophilus corbeni

Parnaby, 2009

Corben's Long-eared Bat


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Boreoeutheria
Superorder : Laurasiatheria
Order : Chiroptera
Suborder : Vespertilioniformes
Superfamily : Vespertilionoidea
Family : Vespertilionidae
Subfamily : Vespertilioninae
Tribe : Vespertilionini
Genus : Nyctophilus

Species status

Found in the wild

Authority citation

Parnaby, H.E. 2009-01. A taxonomic review of Australian Greater Long-eared Bats previously known as _Nyctophilus timoriensis_ (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and some associated taxa. Australian Zoologist 35(1):39-81.

Authority publication link

Original name as described

Nyctophilus corbeni

Other common names

Southeastern Long-eared Bat

Type material

AM M.38833

Type kind


Type locality

"Old Coghill Track, 0.7 km east of junction with track to main Gilgai Waterhole; formerly Gilgai Flora Reserve, Pilliga East State Forest, New South Wales. Approximate altitude 235 m. Coordinates obtained from a Garmin GPS are 30° 29' 58"S, 149° 20' 53"E."

Biogeographic realm


Country distribution


Taxonomy notes

recently described based on populations previously attributed to N. timoriensis

Taxonomy notes citation

Parnaby, H. E. (2009). A taxonomic review of Australian Greater Long-eared Bats previously known as Nyctophilus timoriensis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) and some associated taxa. Australian Zoologist, 35(1), 39-81.

IUCN Red List status


Country distribution map

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Names and synonyms

Present and past (if available) associated names to the species. Click on a name to view its details. If the list is long, scroll down to see more.

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