Lissodelphis peronii
(de Lacépède, 1804)
Southern Right-whale Dolphin
Subclass | : Theria |
Infraclass | : Placentalia |
Magnorder | : Boreoeutheria |
Superorder | : Laurasiatheria |
Order | : Artiodactyla |
Suborder | : Whippomorpha |
Infraorder | : Cetacea |
Parvorder | : Odontoceti |
Superfamily | : Delphinoidea |
Family | : Delphinidae |
Subfamily | : Lissodelphininae |
Genus | : Lissodelphis |
Species status
Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005
Authority citation
Lacépède, B.G.É. de. 1804. Histoire naturelle des cétacées. Plassan, Paris, 329 pp.
Authority publication link name as described
Delphinus Peronii
Other common names
Mealy-mouthed Porpoise · Peron's Dolphin
Type locality
"dans les environs du cap sud de la terre de Diémen, et par consequent vers le quarante-quatrime degree de latitude australe [= about 44° S, 141° E, south of Tasmania]," Indian Ocean.
Biogeographic realm
Country distribution
Argentina · Australia · Brazil · Chile · Falkland Islands · Mozambique · Namibia · New Zealand · Peru · Saint Helena · South Africa · South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands · Uruguay
IUCN Red List status
Least Concern
Species Permalink distribution map
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Names and synonyms
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