Neophocaena asiaeorientalis
(Pilleri & Gihr, 1972)
Yangtze Finless Porpoise
Subclass | : Theria |
Infraclass | : Placentalia |
Magnorder | : Boreoeutheria |
Superorder | : Laurasiatheria |
Order | : Artiodactyla |
Suborder | : Whippomorpha |
Infraorder | : Cetacea |
Parvorder | : Odontoceti |
Superfamily | : Delphinoidea |
Family | : Phocoenidae |
Genus | : Neophocaena |
Species status
Authority citation
Invest. Cetacea, 4: 126. . PILLERI, G., and M. GIHR, 1972. — Contribution to the Knowledge of the Cetaceans of Pakistan with Particular Reference to the Genera Neomeris, Sousa, Delphinus and Tursiops and Description of a New Chinese Porpoise (Neomeris asiaeorientalis). In : Investigations on Cetacea, 4 : 107-162, PILLERI, G. (ed.), Berne : Hirnanat. Inst.
Original name as described
Neomeris asiaeorientalis
Other common names
Yangtze Finless Porpoise
Type material
Type kind
Type specimen URI locality
"Yangtze, Prov. Kiangsu, Shanghai, China."
Biogeographic realm
Country distribution
Taxonomy notes
split from N. phocaenoides; previously included N. sunameri
Taxonomy notes citation
Wang, J.Y., Frasier, T.R., Yang, S.C. and White, B.N. 2008. Detecting recent speciation events: the case of the finless porpoise (genus Neophocaena). Heredity 101: 145-155. · Jefferson, T. A., & Wang, J. Y. (2011). Revision of the taxonomy of finless porpoises (genus Neophocaena): the existence of two species. Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology, 4(1), 3-16. · Zhou, X., Guang, X., Sun, D., Xu, S., Li, M., Seim, I., ... & Gao, Q. (2018). Population genomics of finless porpoises reveal an incipient cetacean species adapted to freshwater. Nature communications, 9(1), 1-8.
IUCN Red List status
Species Permalink distribution map
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Names and synonyms
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