Inia geoffrensis

(de Blainville in A. G. Desmarest, 1817)

Amazon River Dolphin


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Boreoeutheria
Superorder : Laurasiatheria
Order : Artiodactyla
Suborder : Whippomorpha
Infraorder : Cetacea
Parvorder : Odontoceti
Superfamily : Inioidea
Family : Iniidae
Genus : Inia

Species status

Found in the wild
Listed in MSW3 2005

Authority citation

Desmarest, A.G. 1817. DAUPHIN, Delphinus. Pp. 146–179 in Anonymous. (eds.). Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle. Nouvelle Édition. Tome IX. Deterville, Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, 624 pp.

Original name as described

Delphinus Geoffrensis

Other common names

Boto · Bufeo · Pink River Dolphin

Type material


Type kind


Type locality

"sur la côte du Brésil," probably upper Amazon of Brazil.

Biogeographic realm


Country distribution

Venezuela · Colombia · Peru · Ecuador · Brazil

Taxonomy notes

previously included I. boliviensis, I. humboldtiana, and the populations now attributed to I. araguaiaensis; some authors do not recognized four species within Inia based on the lack of data from where the species come in contact, however, pending further studies into these species contact zones, they are continually recognized

Taxonomy notes citation

Ruiz-García, M., S. Caballero, M. Martinez-Agüero and J. M. Shostell. 2008. Molecular differentiation among Inia geoffrensis and Inia boliviensis (Iniidae, Cetacea) by means of nuclear intron sequences. Pages 1—25 in V. T. Koven. ed., Population Genetics Research Progress Chapter 6. · Hrbek, T., da Silva, V. M. F., Dutra, N., Gravena, W., Martin, A. R., & Farias, I. P. (2014). A new species of river dolphin from Brazil or: how little do we know our biodiversity. PLoS one, 9(1), e83623. · Emin-Lima, R., Machado, F. A., Siciliano, S., Gravena, W., Aliaga-Rossel, E., de Sousa e Silva, J., ... & de Oliveira, L. R. (2022). Morphological disparity in the skull of Amazon River dolphins of the genus Inia (Cetacea, Iniidae) is inconsistent with a single taxon. Journal of Mammalogy. · Tenille, A. F. C. J. S., e Silva, D. J. D. S., & de Oliveira, J. L. R. New genetic data extend the range of river dolphins Inia in the Amazon Delta.

IUCN Red List status


Country distribution map

The map below provides a general overview. Most species inhabit only specific regions within countries. Hover over the highlighted regions to see the country name.

Names and synonyms

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