Microtus rossiaemeridionalis
Ognev, 1924
East European Gray Vole
Subclass | : Theria |
Infraclass | : Placentalia |
Magnorder | : Boreoeutheria |
Superorder | : Euarchontoglires |
Order | : Rodentia |
Suborder | : Supramyomorpha |
Infraorder | : Myomorphi |
Superfamily | : Muroidea |
Family | : Cricetidae |
Subfamily | : Arvicolinae |
Tribe | : Microtini |
Genus | : Microtus |
Subgenus | : Microtus |
Species status
Authority citation
Ognev, S.I. 1924. Rodentia of the North Caucasus. None, Rostov on the Don, 61 pp.
Authority publication link
https://zmmu.msu.ru/dbs/pdf/ognev1924_causc_rodents.pdfOriginal name as described
Microtus arvalis rossiae-meridionalis
Type material
ZMMU S-30903
Type kind
Type specimen URI
https://zmmu.msu.ru/dbs/list_record.php?id=S-30903Type locality
“Novii Kurlak, Bobrov subdistrict [uezd] of the Voronej Govt. [Voronezh Oblast]”, Russian Federation.
Biogeographic realm
Country distribution
Finland · Estonia · Latvia · Lithuania · Belarus · Ukraine · Moldova · Romania · Serbia · Kosovo · North Macedonia · Bulgaria · Albania · Greece · Turkey · Armenia · Iran · Kazakhstan · Russia
Taxonomy notes
split from M. mystacinus and has been recognized under the name levis, which is tentatively considered a synonym of M. arvalis
Taxonomy notes citation
Mahmoudi, A., Darvish, J., Aliabadian, M., Khosravi, M., Golenishchev, F. N., & KRYŠTUFEK, B. (2014). Chromosomal diversity in the genus Microtus at its southern distributional margin in Iran. Folia Zool, 63(4), 290-295. · Mahmoudi, A., Darvish, J., Aliabadian, M., Moghaddam, F. Y., & Kryštufek, B. (2017). New insight into the cradle of the grey voles (subgenus Microtus) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences. Mammalia, 81(6), 583-593. · Golenishchev, F., Malikov, V., Petrova, T., Bodrov, S., & Abramson, N. (2019). Toward assembling a taxonomic puzzle: Case study of Iranian gray voles of the subgenus Microtus (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Mammalian Biology, 94(1), 98-105. · Kryštufek, B., & Shenbrot, G. (2022). Voles and Lemmings (Arvicolinae) of the Palaearctic Region. University of Maribor Press, Maribor.
IUCN Red List status
Not Evaluated
Species Permalink
https://www.mammaldiversity.org/taxon/1006654Country distribution map
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Names and synonyms
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