Mustela aistoodonnivalis

Wu Jiayan & Kao Yuenting, 1991

Chinese Pygmy Weasel


Subclass : Theria
Infraclass : Placentalia
Magnorder : Boreoeutheria
Superorder : Laurasiatheria
Order : Carnivora
Suborder : Caniformia
Infraorder : Arctoidea
Superfamily : Musteloidea
Family : Mustelidae
Subfamily : Mustelinae
Genus : Mustela

Species status

Found in the wild

Authority citation

Wu, J.-y. and Kao, Y.-t. 1991. A new species of mammals in China: lacked-teeth pygmy weasel (_Mustela aistoodonnivalis_ sp. nov.). Journal of Northwest University 21:87-92.

Original name as described

Mustela aistoodonnivalis

Other common names

Lacked-teeth Pygmy Weasel

Type locality

Taibai Mountains, Shaanxi, China, 2750 m above sea level.

Biogeographic realm


Country distribution


Taxonomy notes

split from M. nivalis and has been included under russelliana (currently a synonym of M. nivalis); the taxonomic history of this name and other Chinese populations of Mustela is rather complex; although the species is certainly distinct from M. nivalis, which name should apply to this species is still uncertain, as either russelliana or tonkinensis (both tentatively included under M. nivalis) have been recognized as species in this region and may also apply to this species

Taxonomy notes citation

Abramov, A. V. (2006). Taxonomic remarks on two poorly known South-east Asian weasels (Mustelidae, Mustela). Small Carnivore Conservation, 34(35), 22-24. · Groves, C. (2007). On some weasels Mustela from eastern Asia. Small Carnivore Conservation 37: 21–25. · Liu, Y., Pu, Y., Chen, S., Wang, X., Murphy, R. W., Wang, X., ... & Liu, S. (2023). Revalidation and expanded description of Mustela aistoodonnivalis (Mustelidae: Carnivora) based on a multigene phylogeny and morphology. Ecology and Evolution, 13(4), e9944.

IUCN Red List status

Not Evaluated

Country distribution map

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Names and synonyms

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